Hair Heavy Metal & Mineral Analysis
Rapunzel, Rapunzel…
Hair Heavy Metal & Mineral Analysis is a valuable and accurate tool to determine the mineral content of body tissues as well as toxic metal exposure. There are over 1200 referential citations from respectable institutions and leading medical journals that have confirmed the value of hair tissue heavy metal and mineral analysis as a screening tool.
Research has shown that hair, more than blood or urine, closely reflects the minerals the body is accumulating, particularly in cases of toxic metal exposure (often the hair will indicate toxicity when the blood or urine does not). Hair is the second most metabolically active tissue in the body (second only to bone marrow) and trace elements in particular are accumulated in hair at concentrations that are generally 10-50 times higher than those present in blood or urine.
Hair analysis is more indicative of the levels of nutritional minerals and toxic elements contained in body tissues because it measures the actual deposition of elements in tissue over an average of a 3 month period. On the other hand, blood or urine analysis is more of a “snapshot” of the chemicals contained in the body at an instant in time.
How much does the test cost?
Please contact the clinic for pricing information, or book a free 15-minute Meet-n-Greet call using the “Book an Appointment” button below.
Turnaround time for test results is 2 weeks.
No refunds or returns after 90 days of purchase.
What does the analysis report look like?
To view a sample report, click here.
Zentai Wellness Centre offers Hair Heavy Metal & Mineral Analysis as a testing tool for patients interested in determining their nutritional, mineral and toxic metal tissue status. Naturopathic treatment can address potential nutrient deficiencies and/or tissue toxicities and these can be monitored with further hair analyses.
Consult with our Naturopathic Doctors to find out if this test is right for you and discuss potential treatment options. Book an appointment or contact Zentai Wellness Centre for further inquiries.