Naturopathic Health Videos & Podcasts
Everyday natural tips for healthier living
Dr. Makoto Trotter, ND talks about the hormonal changes that come with menopause on Global’s News Radio’s The Dating & Relationship Show.
Dr. Makoto Trotter, ND takes on fat on The Social: which fats are good for you, which ones to avoid and why you definitely want fat in your diet!
Cupping isn’t just for elite athletes – it’s for everyone! Watch as Dr. Makoto demonstrates cupping and acupuncture on the hosts of The Social.
Our naturopathic doctor, Makoto Trotter, reveals all the reasons why you should definitely eat chocolate! He also gives advice on the best kind of chocolate to reach for when you get the cravings.
On this episode of The Social, Dr. Makoto discusses the medicinal power of mushrooms, how you can take them and why you would want to.
Dr. Makoto Trotter, ND discusses various ways you can naturally address problems of low energy and fatigue on The Social.
Our naturopathic doctor, Makoto Trotter, returned to The Social, to discuss four common healing plants that can be easily grown in your garden or kitchen window. Dr. Trotter, ND is also the author of The Complete Leaky Gut Health & Diet Guide which he gave away to every audience member on the show. What a nice guy!
Doctor Makoto first appeared on Canada’s popular talk show, The Social, to discuss what causes acne and recommend foods that are helpful in preventing acne. Dr. Trotter, ND is the author of The Complete Acne Health & Diet Guide.
Dr. Makoto Trotter, ND appeared on a live weekly CP24 Natural Health Segment from 2013 to 2014.
You can find a selection of Dr. Makoto’s other videos archived on CP24 website discussing a variety of health topics – including mens’ health, medicinal mushrooms, digestive health, seasonal affective disorder and healthy Canadian fruit.
In the videos below, Dr. Makoto Trotter, ND – author of The Complete Leaky Gut Health & Diet Guide – discusses Leaky Gut Syndrome with Dr. Alison Bested, MD and Bryce Wylde. The term Leaky Gut Syndrome is explained along with its symptoms, probable etiology and potential treatments. Dr. Trotter explains several lab tests that help to elucidate information on whether the condition is present and what factors may contribute (IgG food allergy testing, Intestinal Permeability Assessment, Comprehensive Stool Analysis). They also review iPhone/iPad apps to assist with tracking bowel function, and field callers to the show.
To view the 4-part video series, click on videos below: